We conduct research on Agriculture, Climate change, environmental management and sustainable development in order to deliver innovative solutions to communities needs at local, regional and international level.

Grow Green Initiative conduct impact evaluations to measure the effectiveness of programs and policies aimed at influencing community development in different aspects of life.
Through research, Grow Green Initiative carry out systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and draw new conclusions.


We analyze, develop, implement, and advocate for climate change adaptation and mitigation technologies and policies to prevent or minimize global warming issues and related consequences and chocks to human and biodiversity.


We promote and implement farming techniques to meet society’s present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs.

Through sustainable agriculture, GGI intends to help communities to develop forms of food production that are economically viable and ecologically sound.
GGI enables rural community to diversify income sources and consequently increase their revenue and profits.
Increasingly, rural people do not depend on agriculture alone to survive, but have diversified livelihood strategies. Recognizing this, GGI supports communities in carrying out holistic analysis of their forms of production, sources of income and expenses, and how they can mobilize their assets, natural resource base, individual knowledge and organizational capacity to improve their well-being.
Strategies include support for savings and credit groups, seed and grain storage banks to buffer against food shortages, processing and marketing of products and income generation through small and medium enterprises.


We ensure  that women and men, girls and boys have equal conditions, treatment, and opportunities for realizing their full potential, human rights, and dignity, and for contributing to (and benefiting from) economic, social, cultural, and political development. We understand that gender equality is, therefore, the equal valuing by society of the similarities and the differences between men and women, and the roles they play. It is aims on women and men being equal partners in their homes, community, and society. Gender equality does not mean that men and women have the same physical structure; rather they have equal opportunities and rights. It neither means that women are independent from men nor Rwandans lost their culture and replaced it with the Western one. Moreover, it does neither mean that men were removed from the position at the benefit of women nor the Rwandan culture was completely lost.

GGI understand gender equality as a process of being fair to men and women, boys, and girls. It refers to a differential treatment that is fair and positively addresses a bias or disadvantage that is due to gender roles or norms or differences between the sexes.

refers to how family members support each other within their household, everyone playing his/her role depending on their ability, financial and economic capacity. Every family member giving his/her contribution for the sustainability of the family.

the development planning process that is based on analysis and integration of various situations and needs of women and men aimed at creating conditions for the development of gender equality and complementarity.

a process which aims at sensitizing all organizations to recognize gender and restore delays in gender development programmes

We support for physical access to financial institutions, eligibility, update and usage of financial products and services including informal needs to accelerate and meet women and men consumers’ aspirations.

We combat against inequalities between women and men in terms of their role in all activities, opportunities, and rights in general.

The process of ensuring that planning and programming is appropriate for and considers the different needs and concerns of females and males. It focuses on gender sensitiveness, responsiveness, and accountability towards national transformation.

Process of improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society; improving the ability, opportunity and dignity of those disadvantaged.


We look forward to a happy community where all families are food secured, economically stable and preserved against climate change and environmental threats.

Expanding economic opportunities to all while preserving the environment

1 Years Experience

20+ Partners

38 Events

100 Action Done